You might try other dpses of your choice in his spot too, your call. Support/DpS => for now, i would sub Trumbor in that spot, he is an amazing ally protector, and he will bring weaken + leech and a cleanse with a smack. Venomage => passive mitigation, decrease attack and def and poisons Jareg => Uses Ally Protect for AoE 2, he also brings decrease attack and inc def and heals

Also her passive will clutch save you later in the fight Sandlashed survivor => After stun she should buff extend so you garantee everyone will have Skullcrushers ally protect + CA for AoE 1. Skullcrusher => Should go last on stun turn and tanks it Speed tune the team so that this happens: Jareg + Skullcrusher + Sandlashed + Venomage + support/DPS